Microfono Abierto de Poesia Bilingue - bilingual poetry open mic Friday, Apr 18, 05:00 PM-06:30 PM Friday 18 April 18:30 Revolutionary Grounds Books and Coffee 4675 E Speedway Blvd artbilingualbilinguecommunityEspanolopen mic
Landing Place: Art Practice in Community at the Santa Cruz River Sunday, Apr 13, 11:00 AM-01:00 PM Sunday 13 April 13:00 1580 South Santa Cruz Lane 1580 S Santa Cruz Ln Tucson, AZ 85713 artfreeTBOSC - Tucson Birthplace Open Space Coalitionyouth
Itty Bitty Knitty Committee Wednesday, Apr 09, 04:00 PM-06:00 PM Wednesday 9 April 18:00 Revolutionary Grounds Books and Coffee 4675 E Speedway Blvd artcommunitycraftingfiber arts
Landing Place: Art Practice in Community at the Santa Cruz River Sunday, Mar 30, 11:00 AM-01:00 PM Sunday 30 March 13:00 1580 South Santa Cruz Lane 1580 S Santa Cruz Ln Tucson, AZ 85713 artcommunityfreeTBOSC - Tucson Birthplace Open Space Coalitionyouth
Courtney Doorhinge live in Tucson Thursday, Mar 27, 08:00 PM-10:30 PM Thursday 27 March 22:30 Pidgin Palace 1110 S 6th Ave, Tucson, AZ 85701 artlive performance
Itty Bitty Knitty Committee Wednesday, Mar 26, 04:00 PM-06:00 PM Wednesday 26 March 18:00 Revolutionary Grounds Books and Coffee 4675 E Speedway Blvd artcommunitycraftingfiber arts
Microfono Abierto de Poesia Bilingue - bilingual poetry open mic Friday, Mar 21, 05:00 PM-06:30 PM Friday 21 March 18:30 Revolutionary Grounds Books and Coffee 4675 E Speedway Blvd artbilingualbilinguecommunityEspanolopen mic
Itty Bitty Knitty Committee Wednesday, Mar 12, 04:00 PM-06:00 PM Wednesday 12 March 18:00 Revolutionary Grounds Books and Coffee 4675 E Speedway Blvd artcommunitycraftingfiber arts
Itty Bitty Knitty Committee Wednesday, Feb 26, 04:00 PM-06:00 PM Wednesday 26 February 18:00 Revolutionary Grounds Books and Coffee 4675 E Speedway Blvd artcommunitycraftingfiber arts