Cultivating Culture: Su:dagi, Jewed, Ñiok - Flooding the Land with Stories & Poems

Cultivating Culture
Su:dagi, Jewed, Ñiok - Flooding the Land with Stories & Poems
Al Jukiabig Masad - October 12, 2024
Hosted by Amy Juan and Logan Phillips
Melani Martinez
Suki Warm Cloud Fulwilder
Amber Lee Ortega
Music by DJQ
5:30 PM - Food & Open Mic Signup
6:30 - Poems and storytelling
8:00 - End
Free, with gifts accepted for the series
Mission Garden
946 W. Mission Lane, Tucson
Flyer by Paul Pablo
Brought to you by:
Mission Garden, San Xavier Co-Op Farm, TBOSC - Tucson Birthplace Open Space Coalition
5 months ago
Mission Garden
946 W. Mission Lane, Tucson, AZ
Mission Gardenopen micpoetrySan Xavier Co-Op FarmstorytellingTBOSC - Tucson Birthplace Open Space Coalition